Beautiful House & Land Package- Single storey, double garage, 4 bedroom home with ensuite and WIR to main, built in robes to remaining 3 bedrooms. Large pantry off kitchen, open plan family/dining room and separate lounge at front of home.
Façade image example only, actual façade and plans can be provided to at appointment with LTK Homes
Fantastic four bedroom family home situated in the growing suburb of Tahmoor.
Beautiful House & Land Package- Double storey, double garage, 4 bedroom home with ensuite and WIR to main. Open plan family/dining room, study, alfresco Contact our team for pricing.
Façade image example only, actual façade and plans can be provided to at appointment with LTK Homes
Beautiful House & Land Package- Double storey, double garage, 4 bedroom home with ensuite and WIR to main. Large pantry off kitchen, open plan family/dining room, study and great alfresco for easy entertaining.
Façade image example only, actual façade and plans can be provided to at appointment with LTK Homes